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Throughout its history, YARN gathered young adults around the world in monthly worship services made by and for them. We aren't currently scheduling Young Adult Worship Services, but we are invested in discussing Worship in Unitarian Universalism in our Discord server with its channels created specifically for it, as well as contributing to the Unitarian Universalist Association's Emerging Adult Resource Hub with Worship Elements.


Our focus is Young Adults between the ages 18 to 39, though we accept and wholeheartedly appreciate invitations to lead or contribute to Worship your Congregation! We have spoken at Congregations like the Miami Valley UU Fellowship and the UU Congregation of the Palisades for intergenerational audiences. They are examples of great allies of our Ministry. Also, don't hesitate to call us to participate in Young Adult only programs. We're here exactly for it!


We aspire to raise awareness on the importance of Young Adult Ministries and it would be a pleasure to serve as Guest Speakers in your community! Please email us at for more details. 

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©2022 by Young Adult Revival Network


phone: (415) 590-7836

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