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Resource Archive


Several resources  have been created over the years. Below is an archive of what we have found that can help you start or grow your young adult ministry. We also strongly recommend checking out the Canadian Unitarian Council's YA ministry resources page.

  1. Becoming: A Spiritual Guide For Navigating Adulthood 
    Becoming is a fantastic resource for young adult ritual and gathering. You can find copies of the book on Amazon and other book reselling places.  Becoming Together is well development and immediately useful. We strongly encourage you to start a BT program for your YAM.


  2. Coffee Hour Caution
    This classic one page guide is a resource for older generations on how to better and more respectfully talk to young adults. Print it, post it, and show it to everyone.


  3. Building a Broader Web: Fostering Young Adult Community
    Our friends at First Unitarian Congregational Society in Brooklyn, New York put together this fantastic presentation for GA 2017. Its a more focused, UU specific guide than the Kindrid document above.


  4. Deep Fun
    Quite old and meant for YRUU program, this guide still contains classic activities that will break the ice, deepen bonds, and provide fun for people of all ages and abilities.

  5. Guide to Young Adult Ministry
    This 2008 guide to creating YAM is a rich but pre-dates social media, nullifying the efficacy of a lot of the advice and guidance. Useful elements include building leadership and putting on small worships.

Resources: Programs
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