If just 20 congregation's take an offertory for YARN, then we will be funded for a year. For 22-23, we have received several offerings so far, but we need more. Click the "Take an Offetory" button and fill out the form so we can help you craft a request to your congregation.
Already plan to take an Offetory for YARN (or don't need our help with asking?) Then head to our Outreach Materials page and check out the resources we have provided for you.
Sending a Check?
Make checks out to "UUSF" and put "YARN" in the memo line.
Mail checks to: 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109
Ways to Give:
One Time Donation - Click the DONATE HERE button and make a one time donation of any amount. For more detailed instructions, see “How to Give” below.
Recurring Donation - This is our preferred type of donation. We want to build a large recurring donor base, one made up of UUs of all ages, that will allow us to make our ministries available to young adults regardless of financial circumstances. If you make a recurring donation please, if possible, make it at least $10 a month to help off-set administrative costs. That said, recurring donations of any amount are welcome and PLEASE PAY THE PROCESSING FEE.
Take an Offertory for Us - Congregations are welcome and encouraged to take an offertory collection for us. If you work for or are a member of a UU congregation, and want to arrange this, please let us know!
How to Give:
Click the DONATE HERE Button
Enter the amount you want to give on the bottom line that reads: Young Adult Revival Network
Select if this is a one time or recurring donation
Click next, then enter your billing information.
PLEASE PAY THE PROCESSING FEE. Especially if you are giving a small amount on a monthly basis.
Click PROCESS to complete your donation